Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween!

Thursday, October 30, 2008
Baked Potato Soup
Potato Soup is such a comfort food for me. My mom used to make it all the time when I was growing up. She makes it from memory, though and does not have a recipe for me to post.
- 6 large russet potatoes, peeled and cut into 1/2 inch cubes. (about 3 3/4 pounds)
- large onion, chopped (about 1 1/2 cups)
- 3 (14 oz.) cans of chicken broth with roasted garlic (I used plain and added fresh garlic)
- 1/4 cup butter
- 2 1/2 tsp salt
- 1 1/4 tsp pepper
- 1 cup whipping cream or half-and-half
- 1 cup (4 oz.) sharp Cheddar cheese, shredded
- 3 T. chopped fresh chives
- 1 (8 oz.) container sour cream (optional)
- 4 bacon slices, cooked and crumbled or use bacon bits
- Shredded Cheddar cheese

Halloween Past

Does This Bother Anyone Else?
Is it just me or does it bother anyone else that when you go to early vote you don't have to show in identification in North Carolina?
All you do is tell them your name. They look you up and say your address back to you. You agree and then you vote. THAT'S IT! No voter card. No id. Nothin'.
Is it like that in your state?
Why why why is it like this?
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
What's On My Nightstand?
I know this little carnival was yesterday but I forgot and then I remembered today and it is still there so...I am going to join in because I love the two books I am reading right now.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Grocery Finds and Coupons!

Monday, October 27, 2008
Watch Oprah October 28!
My good friends will be part of the Oprah show on October 28! That is tomorrow. Or today if you get this tomorrow.
Anyway, you have to watch!
The show will feature 12 amazing children and that will be in a new book with Celine Dion called 12 Heroes Among Us: An Incredible Journey with Celine Dion
Our friends have had a wonderful experience with Celine Dion as this book was being assembled. Celine and her team have been SO kind to them. There are photos and of course the stories of these incredible kids and their parents in this book. I can't wait to get a copy! I can have it autographed even!
Our friends have a sweet, smart, strong little girl named Anna. She is my daughter's age and they are good buddies.
You can read all about Anna's story and her part in the book right here. She is a miracle. Literally a walking miracle.
I remember when her mom was pregnant. I was pregnant at the same time. We had just both moved into our neighborhood and not yet met. I heard through the grapevine that her baby had Spina Bifida. My heart broke for this new mom because I too was going to be a new mom and just knew how this news would make me feel.
Like everything she does, she handled it with the most amazing grace. Later, after our babies were born, I would become good friends with Anna's mom. She has been a true blessing in my life! She went on to have 3 more children and continues to amaze me daily. They are a family full of faith and I have been privileged to witness their walk.
So they tell me there are some great stories that Oprah is going to feature tomorrow. Click here to see a slide show preview.
So, check your local listings, watch some Oprah, grab some tissues and take a break.
Raleigh - ABC 11 at 4 pm.
Let me know what you think!
Bloggy Carnival Giveaway Time! - iTunes Card

It's that time again!
The big Bloggy Giveaway Carnival!
Seriously, it just started today and there are over 700 giveaways!!!! Even if you don't blog you can enter and get a jumpstart on Christmas. Go Here and check it out.
In honor of my lost iPod and I am hoping for good karma and that it will find it's way home...
I am giving away a $15 iTunes card.
It was a popular giveaway before, so I am hoping you will love it again!

Okay, just leave a comment with your newest most favorite song. That's it!
No duplicate comments, please.
If you are not a blogger, please leave some way to contact you.
I will keep the contest open until Saturday, November 1 and will draw a winner on November 2.
Okay, go!
And please come back. I am just a crazy mom with a lot on her mind! You can subscribe over in the sidebar!
Rock on,

Sunday, October 26, 2008
Hang On!
I took this photo last night at our Fall Festival at church. The kids had a blast and it was so amazing to see what the staff at our church puts together. They really do everything so first class. I loved seeing all the volunteers - especially the ones that were helping direct traffic!
They seemed to be having a lot of fun.
So B decided she wanted to ride this bull. She stayed on for about 30 seconds which was really good, I thought. I know I would have fallen off immediately! Good thing there was a soft landing.
I yelled, "Hang On!" right before the guy started the bull.
Hang on is the perfect statement for a Monday. When I look at my calendar, it almost seems ominous at all the things I have to do even up through the weekend!
I just need to take it day by day - even hour by hour and Hang On for what the week will bring!
How about you? What's this week look like for you?

Saturday, October 25, 2008
Linked Up
From Jen at Cheaper than Therapy - she always makes me laugh
Think Before you Ink
Why Do You Blog? Or Not - Lysa TerKeurst wants to know! ;)
The 10 Best Etsy Shops from the iLash Girls
To Twitter or Not from Jo-Lynne at Musings of a Housewife
The most beautiful Pot Pie Ever over at La Vida Dulce
Okay, that should keep you busy. I have a party tonight at my home where we are picking the winner of our Mina Project Raffle. We are giving away 2 Wiis, a Guitar Hero, Rockband and a beach trip!!!! We raised almost $2,800! Very cool.
More randomness for this Saturday.
I am making pancakes this morning!
I am making chili because it is CHILLY here. Some fun dips to go along with it and we are roasting marshmallows on our patio if it is not raining.
I just figured out today that I can check my replies on Twitter. I thought I was just tweeting out in space, but alas, you all were tweeting back to me! Sorry to have missed that.
I am still trying to figure out Firefox and how to get a photo on Twitter. I am so techie- challenged actually. I just keep trying, though!
My daughter went to the coolest Halloween party last night. These brave parents (3 sets) had about 40 kids in their back yard! And it rained. The kids just played in the rain and ran in the "haunted woods". She had a blast.
Okay, Happy Saturday!

Friday, October 24, 2008
What Am I Forgetting?
I got this overwhelming feeling I was forgetting something this morning.
I brushed it off as I hurried out the door to volunteer in B's classroom and left my son with Hubby.
It was only when I returned home...about 11:15 AM... that I saw my son's clothes that we laid out the night before.
And. Then.
It was then that I realized I had forgotten to take my son to preschool.
The kid goes every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Today, he played Lego Star Wars with his Dad.
Mom of the year, right here in North Carolina.
My brain seems to still be missing this week since the loss of the iPod.
Finally Friday
It's Finally Friday! This week I have been on this 5 Day Food Challenge that my church kicked off this past weekend.

The meals consisted of:
Plain oatmeal or Cream of Wheat
Plain tortilla, rice and beans
Rice with bits of fish or chicken and a vegetable

Thursday, October 23, 2008
Go Aquatic Review

Oh, we get some kind of dirty in this house! I encourage lots of playtime outside and that means dirt. While my kids love to play in the bath sometimes it is hard to get them to actually come inside to do that. But, bathtime was never so much fun as it is with the Bath Blizzard. This toy creates many bubbles for tubtime...
Read more here

Should Have Been a Cowgirl
So, in my effort to get my room more couple focused, I am placing photos of the just the two of us in the room.
This photo was taken about 15 years ago! We were in our early 20's. It has been on my vanity or dresser since the day I got it developed. We lived in Dallas and used to get all gussied up in our best "cowboy" attire to go out to a country bar called Denim and Diamonds. Hubby's brother worked there and we just had so much fun together trying to dance the Two Step.
Look at my hat! I actually still have that hat. Not sure why, but it does live in the very back corner of my closet. I don't have the heart to give it away and who knows, maybe it will come in handy for a cowgirl costume one day. I still have the real lizard skin black cowboy boots, too. They don't fit but I still keep them.
I read somewhere that you should to have current photos in your bedroom so as not to look back on the old ones and focus on what your relationship was like then vs. what it is now.
I disagree. I like having both. I liked what it was then and I like even better what it is now. So, I do have both types of photos in our room. Sometimes what "they" say - just doesn't apply to everyone.
Want to see more fun flashback photos? Check out Sincerely Fro' Me To You at We are THAT Family.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Wordless Wednesday - Need Help Sleeping?
Hubby has some trouble sleeping. It seems his brain starts to process his day about the time the rest of his body shuts down. Since my brain is shut down most of the time I usually don't have this issue, but I am not willing to sleep without him, so we've tried a couple things....
Stress relief CDs and Music - some of them are just weird.
Sound machine. Birds chirping doesn't seem too natural at midnight. The rain is my favorite.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Tackle It Tuesday - My bedroom
I have many many necklaces and really did not know what to do with them. They were basically hanging all over my room.
I finished the chair.
And this blanket. Some plants.
For more Tackle It Tuesday projects go Here!