My kids have been off of school for 4 weeks now! These long track-outs are fun until about this time and we have one more week! They get bored and fight a lot. I do love not having to pack lunches and homework every night. It's nice to have the break in our routine, but I'm ready now to have a little more structure again.
Anyway, here are some recent photos of the kids from B's birthday in November and Christmas time. They are getting too big!
I guess a little recap of the year would be a nice addition for those that are not on Facebook with me. So if you are interested - read on, otherwise just enjoy the pictures!
The kids stay busy busy. B is in 4 dance classes and made the Apprentice Dance team this year. She dances almost every day and really enjoys it. When Baby T was born we moved her room into what was our play room. It's had a complete transformation into a dream bedroom for a girl. We even added a very large mirror for her to dance in front of. She spends a lot of time choreographing her own routines. Her favorite dance seems to be tap and jazz although she likes the structure of ballet and is starting to enjoy the movements of modern. She continues to excel in school and this year has made chorus, student council and received a Spotlight On Student award. That was a great honor as she was presented that award in front of the school board for our county. She is an AMAZING help to me with the baby. I'm very thankful for that.
Bubby continues to enjoy Tae Kwon Do and is now an orange belt. He is requesting that we start letting him go to the sparring and board breaking classes so I think we will see him grow in this area a lot more this year. So far, it's been the only sport he shows great interest in, although we plan to try out basketball this year. He does want to play t-ball again in the Spring. He told me last year he really enjoyed playing right field - too funny! He also got a re-vamp on his room with the arrival of Baby T. My sister in law came and painted all of the kids rooms with murals. They are awesome. She posted pictures on her website - A Color Affair.
Bubby also does really well in school - especially math. He loves to socialize and often gets fussed at for that - I have no idea where it comes from! :) His favorite thing to do is just play outside with friends. I think he would do nothing else, including eat, if I'd let him.
Baby T continues to thrive and bring much joy to our lives. We have started to fall into a good routine of having 3 kids although it is pure craziness some days. Crazy joyful bliss! He's rolling over and eating cereal now. I can't believe how fast it goes. He laughs all the time and is really just an easy, go with the flow baby. He has to be!
Hubby is still running our business which we hope will improve as the economy improves. We have several new salespeople that are working hard and he enjoys training with them. He recently started a new bible study with some great guys from church - he is really enjoying that. Golfing is still his favorite past time although, we've had a cold winter and that prevents him from doing that much.
I'm still working part-time at our church as a Volunteer Coordinator for the campus in our community (we have two). It is both demanding and rewarding. I do love it and feel so thankful to be a part of what God is doing with our church. It's great that I can take Baby T to work with me and also have flexibility for my family. It's been a big transition for our family but has blessed us in many ways. Mostly, by working outside the home, it has encouraged me to put things in perspective and prioritize my life. There just is not time to take on more than you can handle, so I let a lot of things go. I needed to do that.
Anyway - that is what's happening here! We'd love to hear from you and appreciate the recaps we get in the Christmas cards. It's nice to stay updated. I'm on Facebook and update a lot there, too. Friend me!
This is my favorite picture of Baby T over the holidays. This is truly his little smile - such a joy! |
My Bubby - oh, how he melts my heart with those eyes! |
My B - getting so big. We have some great conversations lately. She is an amazing helper for me. |
Always a silly boy - he hates pictures so he acts up for most of them. |
B turning 10! Getting ready to enjoy some homemade cheesecake - her favorite! |
Baby T is 5 1/2 months old! Hard to believe. He's rolling over all over the place. |
1 comment:
Your family is so beautiful Janel. I do miss your blogging, but life is full of stages and changes and fluctuation.
It all sounds good to me, may you continue to be blessed and enjoy life.
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