Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Making My List

When I am making my lists of things to do during the week... 

Yes, I do make lists.

Most of the time.

Anyway, when I'm making the list and looking over my calendar, I don't insert things like,

  • Monday, 2:00 - Worry about...
  • Wednesday, 4:15 - Stress out about...
  • Thursday, 5:30 - Get mad about...
  • Friday, 8:00 - Doubt...

Yet, these things that are not on my list  -these things that have no place on my list - some days they take up so much of my time.

What will worry, stress, doubt and anger add to my week?  Nada.  As a matter of fact, they take precious time and energy away from the things that I could be doing that actually add value to my life.  Like time with my family, time reading a good book or my bible.  Time with a friend or my mom.

No wonder I don't list these things among the dance lessons, meetings and parties.   Because my intention is not to spend time doing them.   Every day I pray my intentions will become my actions.

Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? Luke 12:25 and Matthew 6:27.  It's apparently so important He had to mention it twice.  ;) 

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good point, Janel! I'm a list maker as well, so I can relate.

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