Friday, January 25, 2008

Girl Time

Well, this week my oldest child tracked back into school, my youngest was well enough to go back to preschool, I was back to my workout routine (ouch, I hurt) and I am headed out of town on a women's retreat. AHHHHH...

I will be gone for a couple days and do not have a laptop to blog while I am gone. It is on my wish list. I hope catch up on some reading and much needed girl time.

Here are some links I enjoyed this week.

Do Not Stop On the Tracks - God's Work in Progress

The Expelled Movie - Ben Stein

RTFM - funny story from Musings of a Housewife

and since I am hanging out with some good girlfriends on a retreat this weekend, I wanted to pass along Renee Swope's posts about Friends, Friends 2, and Friends need Grace, Grace, Grace.
This is some real conversation about friendship.

Have a fabulous weekend everyone!

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